Why does our Collagen contain Magnesium?
We incorporate Magnesium because it plays a crucial role in protein formation, including Collagen, which makes up 38% of the body’s proteins, contributing to bones, ligaments, muscles, cartilage, skin and more. With this added supply of Magnesium, our goal is to promote the formation of new collagen, supporting the desired regeneration of body tissues, normal muscle function and maintaining bones under normal conditions.
Why take Collagen with Magnesium and Vitamin C?
Vitamin C, as a reducing agent or antioxidant, directly contributes to protein formation, including Collagen. As outlined in REGULATION (EU) No 432/2012, Vitamin C contributes to the regular formation of Collagen for the normal function of cartilage, blood vessels, bones, gums, skin and teeth.
Where does Collagen come from?
It is derived from the skin and/or bones of the pig (Type I and II).

This native Collagen undergoes the hydrolysation process: a natural (non-chemical) method involving steam cooking gelatinisation, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis, with two main objectives:

1. “Pre-digest” the Collagen: Hydrolysation breaks the complex chains that form the Collagen protein, resulting in small peptides that easily traverse the intestinal barrier, significantly enhancing their bioavailability. Without hydrolysation, our body wouldn’t absorb Collagen, and we would eliminate it without reaping its benefits.

2. Ensure “food safety” of the raw material: The hydrolysation process has received specific approval from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA-Q-2004-085). Hydrolysation is essential to make Collagen suitable for human consumption.
How long can I take Ana Maria Lajusticia supplements?
You can take them for a lifetime, just like any other essential nutrient, to maintain good health, a positive mood and preserve your vitality as much as possible.
How should I take the supplements?
Always follow the instructions on the packaging. It doesn’t matter if you take them before, during or after meals.
Are there any contraindications for taking Collagen and Magnesium?
No, although if you have kidney problems or are taking anticoagulants, it’s advisable to consult with your doctor.
How much Collagen do we need per day?
Throughout the day, Collagen is consumed in various meals, especially during lunch and dinner. Currently, our diet doesn’t meet the recommended 6–10 grams of Collagen per day.
How much Magnesium do we need per day?
According to Spanish law, the recommended daily amount of Magnesium is 375 mg/day.
Can pregnant women take amlsport® products?
Yes, tissue formation, and consequently, protein production, increases significantly during pregnancy. Therefore, it’s crucial for the diet to provide sufficient amino acids and all the nutrients involved in their chain formation to create peptide chains. These include phosphorus, vital for the production of ATP and GTP, magnesium and proteins, calcium, essential for bone strengthening, and iron, stored in the baby’s liver and blood. As milk serves as their exclusive source of nutrition in the early months of life and continues to be vital for a few more months, it is relatively low in iron.

Magnesium needs double during pregnancy, and neglecting this can lead to symptoms such as calf cramps, especially at night and upon waking. In case of doubt, consult with your doctor.
Is Collagen with Magnesium beneficial for osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis can result from a deficit in proteins, Vitamin C and Magnesium. The most common cause today is a Magnesium deficiency, which can be addressed with a balanced diet and proper magnesium supplementation. You can also add Collagen with Magnesium for cartilage regeneration, taking 6 to 9 tablets per day (between breakfast and dinner) or 3 teaspoons if you prefer it in powder form.
Can there be hypermagnesemia (excess magnesium in the body)?
No, magnesium is always absorbed in ionic form (Mg++) and its passage through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream is conditioned by the need for “carriers”, or transporters.

For this reason, if these “carriers” are already “occupied” by an ion (calcium, phosphorus or magnesium), even if we take magnesium in large quantities orally, it will not be absorbed or reach the blood; it will remain in the intestine surrounded by water molecules and will be expelled with the faeces.
Why does magnesium have a laxative effect?
All Mg++ ions that do not pass through the intestine to reach the blood remain in the intestinal interior, attracting water molecules and are expelled with the faeces. This is why some people experience looser stools when taking magnesium, especially chloride and carbonate.
Where are the products sold?
To get information, you can check the contact details of our Official Distributors in each country in the “distributors” section of our website: www.anamarialajusticia.com
What is the difference between the different types of magnesium?
All our magnesium products help with muscle contraction, reduce fatigue, anxiety, contractions and cramps, and contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system and metabolism.

The differences between them depend on the product’s texture and the type of magnesium source used:

Chloride has a strong laxative effect, carbonate has a moderate laxative effect and serves as a natural antacid, and lactate and total magnesium 5 have a mild laxative effect and high bioavailability. We recommend choosing the variety that best suits your personal needs. Las diferencias entre ellos dependen de la textura del producto y del tipo de fuente de magnesio utilizada:

El cloruro es la fuente que produce un efecto laxante alto, el carbonato un efecto laxante medio y antiácido natural, y el lactato y el magnesio total 5, un efecto laxante bajo y elevada biodisponibilidad. Le aconsejamos que escoja la variedad que más se ajuste a su caso personal.
Can multiple supplements be taken at the same time?
Yes, always following the instructions on each package.
From what age can they be taken?
From the age of 12, and if it concerns younger children, consult a paediatrician.
Which product helps with bowel movements?
Magnesium chloride (in addition to providing the benefits of this essential mineral: reducing muscle problems, tiredness and fatigue and aiding in tissue maintenance) is a strong laxative. It is followed by magnesium carbonate, which has a moderate laxative effect.
What is Collagen with Magnesium used for?
It contributes to the maintenance and regeneration of body tissues. We offer different textures based on your preference, which you can check in the “Products/Joints” section on our website. For individuals suffering from osteoporosis or osteopenia, we also recommend taking 3 capsules/day of Cod Liver Oil for its vitamin D content.
What do you recommend to help me sleep?
Taking 1–2 tablets of tryptophan with melatonin, magnesium and B6, 40 minutes before bedtime in a dark and quiet environment, helps induce sleep and promotes better rest. If you are taking antidepressants, it is important to consult with your doctor beforehand.
Do you have plant-based collagen?
The Collagen is a protein exclusively of animal origin, and there is no vegan collagen.
Why do you need to take so many tablets?
Our supplements are natural, and that’s why we don’t subject them to aggressive treatments to simplify the doses. Additionally, collagen is best assimilated when taken in at least two daily doses. If you prefer a more concentrated dose, you can choose our Collagen with Magnesium in sticks or liquid.
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