El magnesio, clave para la salud (240 pages)
Our current diet, among other characteristics, exhibits a magnesium deficiency, a crucial element for good health.
This deficiency gives rise to various issues related to the nervous system, including anxiety, restlessness, difficulty concentrating and at times, symptoms categorised as depression and treated medications. Furthermore, as magnesium is involved in muscle relaxation, it manifests in muscle contractions, cramps, chest pricks, spasms, arrhythmias, palpitations, a sensation of a “lump” in the throat, breathing difficulties and occasionally hypertension.
This element is also essential in the synthesis of all proteins in our body, making it crucial for the manufacture and repair of cartilage, bones, tendons, stomach walls, blood vessels, etc., addressing the effects of wear and tear.
Additionally, when magnesium concentration decreases in the blood, it is excreted in smaller amounts through urine, contributing to the formation of kidney stones.
Published by Dr Lajusticia 20 years ago, this book, which was an editorial success at the time, compiles all the latest studies conducted to date, confirming the immense importance of magnesium for our health.